Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why are we putting up with this shit?

Why are we putting up with this shit? What is the shit I speak of?....... Are you sitting comfortably?, then I will begin.

Cut backs, rising petrol prices, mass unemployment and greedy bastard bankers are causing the average hardworking man and woman many sleepless nights. All over Europe and the United States, many people have felt the uncomfortable stabbing of  the governments knee jerk reaction to the 'credit crunch'.

Governments are in a state of obscene panic, slashing public spending and increasing taxes. The economies of many big nations aren't moving forward, with people too afraid to spend what money they have. I am no economist but i can't understand how any government can take money off people, take more off the workers in taxes and expect money to go back into into the economy. You can't spend what you dont have.....Hold on, isn't that what got us into this mess in the first place? Where is all the big talk by the governments: 'We will make the banks give loans to help small business owners'. The banks wouldn't let you smell their farts, they are that greedy. Banks in the U.K will share out over 13 billion pounds in bonuses this year. According to www.myfinances.co.uk the financial sector employs just four per cent of UK workers but it pays out 40 per cent of the total bonuses paid to UK employees. Would anyone disagree with me if I said this is fucking disgusting? What do these slimey bastard bankers contribute to the good of mankind? Nurses do a difficult job everyday and get paid peanuts, while bankers treat the world like a giant casino. The governments need tax the banks more and slap these thieves back into line. A great idea is that of the Robin Hood Tax. Run your peepers over this Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/robinhoodtax

B.P, have also posted profits of 5.3 Billion dollars. So why is it every week the price of petrol is slowly creeping up? Does B.P think we are all half wits and we don't notice? Of course we notice!! How can you make such a gross amount of money but still increase your prices? How can the governments let this happen? Maybe it is because they don't give a fuck.

Another shady group who are only interested in causing havoc in Europe are the ruthless credit reference agencies; Moodys and Standard & Poors. These vultures are only intrested in hurting economies and have hidden motives for their ratings of countries debts. They couldn't wait to publicly state that the recent package of help measures given to Greece would constitute a default. Why do governments tolerate these bastards causing touble and upsetting the finacial markets? I am seeing a pattern emerge...The governments are cowards and don't have the mettle to tell these snakes where to go (to fuck), but we all knew this anyway.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before greed engulfed the world. The working man is paying the price for the greed of the banks, while the governments fumble thier way through fixing the current economic crisis. I can't see an end to it anytime soon and I reckon it will get worse before it gets better. Banks don't want to lend money because they are assholes and governments want to squeeze every penny out of the people. People are losing their jobs while the rich get richer. Why is this continuing to happen? Why are we putting up with this shit?

1 comment:

  1. It is just really disgusting. These thieves feel free to play with other people´s money, hopes and fears. Goverments should really stop them, all this should be illegar; specially in these times of crisis and desperation and despair

