Saturday, July 24, 2010

Derry, U.K capital of culture 2013. Great Hypocrisy or Silver Bullet?

So folks the first U.K capital of culture has been choosen............"And the winner is............DERRY/LONDONDERRY!!" What a great and momentous achievement for those involved and especially for the city. Indeed the city has done a fantastic job to beat the likes of Birmingham, Sheffield and Norwich to claim this title, but is there a great hypocrisy involved in all this or will it be the fabled 'silver bullet' which will drag Derry/Londonderry out of the shit?

The latest Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) figures show a total of 4,980 people, or 7.2% of the working age population dont have a job. The Derry City Council area is on the the most deprived in the U.K. Combine this with the current econmical crisis and recent disgusting rioting and it doesnt create a pretty pictute, does it?

But people wait!!!! The saving grace of Derry/Londonderry has arrived!!! Th U.K city of culture 2013 has been awarded to Derry/Londonderry!! All the problems will vanish in clouds of happiness and rays of golden sunshine. People will have to forgive me if i am not riding the wave of the recent victory, but i am just not convinced this is going to solve all of Derry/Londonderry's problems. You will also have to forgive me if i say the whole episode stinks of hypocrisy.

Having grown up in Derry/Londonderry i am well aware of the historical significance of certain words and phrases and to which 'nation' certain people claim to belong to. Many people i went to school with were of the opinion that the 'occupied six counties' (Northern Ireland) belonged to Ireland. Other People i knew would say that 'Norn Iron' was part of Great Britain. Norn Iron is indeed part of Great Britain. Money which pays for schools, roads, hospitials and so forth comes from the Queen's coffers. In the eyes of the international community Norn Iron is part of Great Britain

Picture the scenario: A young Catholic man and a young Protestant man. I ask both of them 'Is Derry/Londonderry in Ireland and are you Irish?' Young Catholic man would probably answer 'Yes it is and yes i am'. Young Protestant man would answer 'No it is not and no i am not' Historically Catholics have seen themselves as Irish. They would sing the "Amhrán na bhFiann" and support the Rep of Ireland in football. Protestants are more likley to follow Northern Ireland and sing 'God save the Queen' when asked to recite their national anthem. So i can say that many people in Derry/Londonderry would see themselves as Irish, who wouldn't dare sing 'God save the Queen' and probably carry an Irish passport. There is nothing wrong with saying you are 'British' or being part of the U.K. We need more tolerance and respect for each other in Northern Ireland.

When Derry/Londerry was announced as the winner of U.K capital city of culture 2013, well didn't everyone forget where they were from and which anthem they sung!! Hypocrites. Certain people involved in the bid don't swear an oath of alleigence to the Queen of England in the British parliment. Why is that? Its ok to take the money with the Queens head on it but its not ok to say you are British. Hypocrites. Other people involved in the bid have blogs which talk the fancy talk about a 'United Ireland'. Hypocrites. Now everyone is dancing in Gulidhall square because Derry/Londonderry is UK capital of culture 2013. A month before the same people were in Gulidhall square to hear the findings of the Bloody Sunday report. I bet they were not British on that day.

People reading this will have to understand i am not trying to 'slag anyone off' or put a downer on the marvellous victory for the city, i am just calling it how i see it.

People seem to think this will solve all of Derry/Londonderrys problems, but it wont. It will only create more i reckon. There is NO government funding for this. Having grown up in Derry/Londonderry i know that Derry City Council would struggle to host a orgy in a whorehouse. The members of local government are always fighting among themselves. Its funny when you hear people say things like 'Derry/Londonderry could hold the Brits'. (Brits being the Brit Music Awards) Didn't certain elements spend most of their adult lives trying to get the Brits out of Derry? Oh the irony!! Numbers and statements being banded about: 'It will create 3000 new jobs in the city'. 'We will build a big arena'. Jobs doing what? Building the big arena? Derry needs 3000 sustainable jobs, not just jobs to build a big arena to host the Brit Awards. Remeber the Kevin Costner Film 'Field of Dreams'. Remember the line 'If you build it they will come'. Yeah right. It will boost tourism and hotel bookings but sadly i reckon that will be all. What then in 2014? I suppose at this current time, any boost is a good boost.

Funny when you see pages on Facebook with the titles: 'Derry being city of culture 2013' or 'Derry City of culture 2013'. Apart from the blatant grammatical errors in both, is there not two letters missing from each title....U.K? Even funnier when you see people on these pages arguing what the name of the city is: 'Derry'...'No! Londonderry'. The fighting has begun already.You need to bear in mind these two groups have a combined following of 1806 people, hardly representative of the city as a whole. The video for the bid was called 'Voices' and can be seen on Youtube. A excellent video with a few errors. The begining of the video shows a girl in Grianan Aileach. This is in the Rep of Ireland not in the U.K. Also were are the references to Irish dancing and G.A.A?? They are an important part of the culture of Derry/Londonderry, but not British enough to appear in the video made to appease the judges. Hypocrites.

I am very proud the city has won such an event, as it is a major coup. A little part of me feels it may have been a poision chalice due to the current economic crisis and the fact there will be no British Government funding. Derry/Londonderry will need to attract investment and sponsorship, but this will be difficult due to television pictures of recent rioting and the current ecomonic climate. I wish them the best of luck. It is fantastic for the city, but i am not buying into the the whole mass hysteria. I might sound like a 'nay-sayer', but im just giving my opinion.


  1. It is sad in some way to see how some people forget about their ideas and about what has made their country and their people suffer for so many years so easily

  2. Michael, you're 100% spot on. Its difficult to see how there will be long term sustainable jobs created out of this. Of course it will be a short term boost for the local economy. However, the majority of the "sustainable" jobs will be in the service industry, which is dependant upon people coming to visit. So perhaps there might be 3-4 years worth of low paid work, but once it's been built, it will very much be a case of veni vidi vici and the inaugural UK city of culture will be but a distant memory.....


  3. I think it is fantastic that Derry City has been awarded this monumental responsibility : however , with responsibility comes accountability.

    Who is going to be the figurehead for this event ? E.G. Lord Sebastian Coe was the figurehead for the London 2012 Olympic Games organisation , so he will either get the credit , or the blame if it all goes pear shaped .......

    Between the Assembly and the local council elections , we have a permanent revolving door with our political leadership , and as this is perceived to be a community lead event.

    So :

    (A) It would be unrealistic to expect Politians to be involved in any great detail (except where there is glory to be had .... eh Martin ?)

    (B) Who knows who is going to hold "The Keys to the Kingdom" in 2013.

    One thing is certain ; Derry City council will be involved in the biggest squable in it's history when it comes around to voting in the new Lord Mayor & Deputy Lord Mayor in 2012/2013 and the following term.

    It will be turned into a PR fiasco with all the greedy councilors wanting the glory that comes with meeting all the International Stars and Big-Wigs that will be coming. "The Brit Awards" being held in Derry City would be a major coup for the City , however .......


    Where are we gonna have any of the football events .... ?

    The Brandywell needs some serious renovation as it only holds about 2,500 seated. You can't count on the 7,000 bin-lickers that stand in the City Cemetry or on Creggan Hill that watch the matches for free !!!

    Also : Rock & Pop Concerts.

    For decades , the City has being crying out for a proper venue through private development , but nothing has ever materialised. However , if you are a multi-millionaire retail outfit , you can buy land and plunder the City for it's economic benefits 7 days a week , 24 hours a day !!!!

    Everton had a potentially great idea nixed at the last minute.... They were going to build a new stadium with money from a major UK retailer , who would have had a supermarket attached to the grounds in some capacity.....

    Why has nobody used this model for Norn Iron ???

    We could've had a National Stadium built by private investment funding .... this would be the companies contribution to the Community , or "payback" for being allowed into the country to trade.

    The UK City of Culture 2013 has the potential to raise Derry's profile and leave generations of positive impacts for the city.

    However , the amount of maturing and preparation (both socially and financially) that needs to happen appears to be a big ask in the 2 and a half years we have to get this done.

    Your quite right Mick in saying that in the past Derry City has struggled internally with organising social events. Derry City has achieved what other City's could not as the've relied on community spirit and doing everything on a shoestring.

    Somehow , I don't think we'll be welcoming U2 , Madonna and Kylie Minogue to Derry for the Brit Awards with 6 port-a-loos , a couple of Marquees and half a mile of temporary 12ft steele fencing at Prehen Playing Fields.

    If we do , then you know where to start pointing the finger of blame ....... Local Government Management !!!
