Recently in Derry City, a wretched cancer reared its ugly face once again. Many will know what i am talking about, but for those who don't I will explain to you very clearly what this cancer is.
The age old problem of terrorism has blighted and ravaged the North of Ireland for decades. A long time ago, terrorisim had support from some sections of each community. Over time this support has wained, as has the desire for peace and a normal life grown. The near majority of normal people in the North of Ireland, Protestant and Catholic, want to see peace prosper and the new generation of children grow up to lead lives free of prejudice or biogotry.
So why do some bastards want to wreck everything that has been acheived and drag the North back into the abyss. People need to remember, when you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is staring back at you.
So in Derry a group of so called 'dissident republicans' made a taxi man drive a bomb to a police station. How brave are these 'dissident republicans'!!! Making a man who was out trying to earn a living, drive a bomb in his car. Telling him they will 'shoot' him if he didn't. Destroying the thing he uses to make money to put food on the table - his car. These 'dissident republicans' are nothing but dirty cowardly criminals.
Why do these pathetic weasels destroy the city they grew up in? In a city crippled by unemployment, these brainless idiots will only serve to worsen the unemployment crisis and plunge the city into the shit-hole. What companies will want to come and invest in Derry? Ones who have bomb proof buildings i supppose. These bastards are not representative of anyone Irish nor is their brand of out dated republicanism welcomed by anyone. Furthermore they are not Irish, they are just common criminals.
A munber of things which made me laugh were certain elected members of parliment statements. Mr Mc Guinness said the bombers were an 'embarrasment'. The only thing embarrasing here is your lack of a strongly worded condemnation Martin. Mr Mc Guinness goes on to say "If they think they will destroy the political institutions the people of Ireland voted for, if they think they're going to destroy the working relationship I have with Peter Robinson, if they think they will undermine the peace process they are living in cloud cuckoo land." Indeed Martin, the people of Ireland not the people of Derry U.K capital of culture 2013? Let's not forget his 'special relationship' with Peter Robinson. I really don't think your 'special relationship' with Peter Robinson has anything to do with the bombing Martin. The police station was bombed for other reasons, none of which are valid or deserve a mention on my blog. Another questionable comment by Colum Eastwood, Mayor of Derry City U.K capital of culture 2013: "If you love your country you shouldn't try and destroy it" Remind me exactly which country that is, Your Most High Lord Mayor? Ireland or U.K, as in Derry/Londonderry U.K capital of culture 2013? Maybe the organisers will take the city of culture 2013 award away! Oh the hypocrisy!!
These 'dissident republicans' need to take a step back and see that they have no support. Their actions are creating nothing but shame and fear for the good people of Derry/Londonderry. They are living in a defunct period of time which has had it's 15 miuntes of fame, a fame which is long gone. People want peace, people need jobs and Derry/Londonderry needs to flourish into the great city it can be. Remove the 'dissident republicans' and the self serving politicians and we might just get somewhere.
Again this week , the 86 year old question of the islands identity is questioned by a small minority of thugs who would seek to destroy the lives of their fellow countrymen.
ReplyDeleteWhat do these people hope to achieve by this ?
In fact, lets take a few moments to analyse what they did actually achieve ......
They destroyed years of work by small independant local businessmen to provide the community with retail outlets and facilities in the local area. As a result , the lower Strand Road was closed to all commuters this week , causing widespread disruption , never mind the financial loss , which will run to well over 1 million pounds.
A Doctors surgery and a chemists had to be closed this week , which provide essential medical care for people of all ages , nationalites and creed.
On a social level , The Bingo hall , the Snooker hall and Pepe's Bar and Nightclub will all need major repair work and will be closed for months , sending the punters that use those facilities to other areas , and potentially , other towns , cuminating in a severe loss of investment.
As a result , companies WILL CEASE TO EXIST , make a number of hard working people redundant and potentially causing them to loose their homes as mortgages cannot be paid ......
So the terrorists did not kill any of their intended targets. Thank God nobody lost their lives. But what the terrorists did achieve was a loss of livelihood for the people of the area , whom they proclaim to represent.
On the 14th of August , it will be 12 years since to terrible attrocites of the Omagh bombing , carried out by this same terrorist group , for which nobody has been sucessfully prosecuted.
Yet , nothing has been learned from this serious loss of life by these so call patriots.
I struggle to recognise what national identity these people actually strive to attain.
The people of the Repubic of Ireland do not condone or want to be a part of any of the actions that this group take part in , and certainly don't want the burden of Northern Ireland.
While the Northern Irish community have , for the vast majority , recognised that the futile actions and behaviors of the 1970's and 1980's actually drove the two communites futher apart instead of trying to reconcile their differences.
Some people in the international community have likened the island of Ireland to that of Cyprus : 2 halfs of one island governed by 2 separate national identites. That is where the comparison ends.
It costs 1 BILLION pounds a year to SUBSIDISE the operational management of Northern Ireland , which the Republic of Ireland cannot maintain. It would mean a severe increase in the cost of living to us , with the removal of a number of key government backed healthcare and social welfare departments. Our standard of living would regress by about 25 years.
The golden age of "The Celtic Tiger" is over , with Eire now being the second poorest economy in the European Union (as an investment entity). In fact , the future looks bleak for our friends from the south ........
So to conclude :
We're too high maintenence , and the southerners can't afford us !!
The main worry for the future is in the lack of sucess that has happened in actually capturing and prosecuting these individuals. The PSNI have had little or no sucess with dissident republicans in the last 15 years. Any that have been , like Mr Murphy for the Omagh attrocity , have used legal technicalities to weazel their way out of it.
Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams announced on Thursday that he will be have talks with the 32 county sovernty commitee about calling a ceasefire.
Gerry , its about 12 years over due ........
And what has promted this response now ? Are we back to our 2013 city of culture PR event , hoping that this will close the door on terror ism for the good of the people of Derry and the North ?
ReplyDeleteI have to admit to being sceptical about the timing of the announcement, however genuine the intention.
We've had ceasefire's , amnesties and prisoner release schemes under the Good Friday agreement , which has helped to build the foundations for a normalised society for the instigators of the 1969-1994 troubles.
I am at odds with what carrot will be dangled for the current crop of murders as I am not sure how the issue of extremism republican terrorism can be successfully negotiated.
The only conclusion that I can come to is the age old remedy to all greivances .......
These so called republicans dont deserve any carrot or sweetener, as they are criminals. I was always under the impression that the Crown does not negotiate with terrorists let alone criminals. I really do not understand why these idiots are doing this. You know the funny thing? I would bet everything i have that these dregs go every week to sign on and then go the the post office to draw their unemployment benefit............Money with the Queen of England's head on it, money from the Queen of England.
ReplyDeleteThey certainly don't deserve any sort of compensation , financial or otherwise for putting a stop to the violence.
ReplyDeleteI agree ... these losers are definatley drawing the dole and sponging the system. They have obviously got a lot of time on their hands to plan and orchestrate these events , and money doesn't grow on trees .....
As for "The Crown" not negotiating with Terrorists ..... well , if you believe that the Government is NOT negotiating with Al Queda or The Taliban at this very moment ... then the Government's PR machine is doing a great job ....
History has taught us that , for example , the 1981 hunger strikes didn't quite happen the way the press would lead us to believe at the time.
Maggie said she would not talk to the hunger strikers , but years after she left office , it came out that she had daily contact with negotiators from the Home Office who were in there talking to Bobby Sands & co.
So , if Gerry is saying that he will be meeting these people ... chances are that it's already happened and the top boyos are ready to do a deal , behind the backs of the foot soldiers of the CIRA / RIRA.
Time and history will write it's own chapter in years to come about what is happening right now.
Its just a shame that it has taken this long ....
When i said the "The Crown" not negotiating with terrorists i was being slighty ironic........These dirt bags are not terrorists, they dont deserve any form of communication as they are common criminals. I agree 100% with your assessment of the British establishment and its 'covert' operations. As for 1981, we shouldnt forget that that was the year the Queens handsome devil of a son, charlie, was married. I am certain Buckingham Palace didnt want the Hunger Strikers upstaging the show-peice royal wedding. That is maybe a post for another day ;)