On September 11th, 2001, The most despicable terrorist attack happened in U.S.A. Muslim extremists flew passenger aircraft into the World Trade Centre in downtown Manhattan in New York. These cowards also flew aircraft into the hub of the American military, the Pentagon and a plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after a brave attempt to regain control of the plane by the passengers. 2995 people lost their lives as a direct cause of these extremist pigs.
Im sure everyone who was old enought to have seen these events unfold on T.V, could tell you exactly where and what they were doing on this day. It was a dark day for humanity, although those who commited this act do not deserve to be classified as human.
So enough of the history lesson and more on what i find astonishing. Someone has come up with the clever idea to build a mosque right beside the site where the planes destroyed the World Trade Centres. Why not build one in Madrid train station, or in a nightclub in Bali or even on the London Underground network. What can anyone possibly achieve from building a mosque ANYWHERE near Ground Zero? The only achievement i see is a victory for filthy Islamic extremists which will help create a 'tourist attraction' mosque. Let me remind everyone that ALL forms of terrorism is filthy, not just Islamic terrorism. I grew up in the North of Ireland so i have some experience of the sickening reality of terrorism.
So why has this been given the go ahead? I cant understand why a mosque would be built in such a hallowed place. It is a slap in the face of all those who were murdered, a savage disrespect to all those who gave their lives trying to save others and a totally insensitive and crass idea. The notion should never have been given the time of day. What i dont understand is why the mosque could not have been built somewhere else? Why is it so important for these poeple to build a mosque on this place?
Lets look at what some prominent Americans have said. Who no better to begin with other than Barack Obama, President of the U.S.A. Mr Obama has been quoted as saying: "We must all recognise and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of lower Manhattan, Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground". Very true words, respect and sensitivities. Where is the respect for those murdered and those who died trying to save others? Where is the sensitivity in building a mosque near ground zero? He goes on to endorse the idea: "That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances" Personally i think the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero was extinguished on 9/11/2001. How could a president be so out of touch?
Others who endorse this are Daisy Khan, the executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement. She states "We need to take the 9/11 tragedy and turn it into something very positive". Im sorry Daisy, but building a mosque near Ground Zero will not create anything positive, quite the contrary. That is only my opinion, i am sure many will disagree with me.
A very intresting statement by the Iman of the proposed mosque, Iman Feisel Abdul Rauf, weeks after the attacks : "I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened but United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened." Anti American sentiment? Is this the man people want incharge of a mosque near ground zero? This statement was made to the popular show '60 minutes'.
If muslims want to change the perception of themselves in America, maybe they should reach out to the families of the victims and not rub shit in their faces by building a mosque near ground zero. Personally i dont have a problem with Islam or any other religion, but i think building a mosque near Ground Zero is wrong. Why not build it some place else? I think some people have lost track of what is right and wrong. People should be free to practise their religion in the appropriate building, but seriously, building a mosque near Ground Zero should never have been considered.
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